Time Warner Cable will offer contents without set top box ( via internet )

Time Warner Cable will offer contents without set top box ( via internet )

In this article is announced that TWC will allow users with Smart TV, tablet, smartphones and pc to access to over 5000 between Tv shows and movies.

And this will be possible without a dedicated set top box but just dowloading an app to activate a smart device to decode the contents.

This scenario will open the living room to a new richer experience to enjoy contents through internet.

But the passive approach will be enriched with an active interaction thanks to new technology capable to receive voice and gesture commands ( to comment, buy, produce contents, play and interact ).

ComputArte is preparing this step offering a full powerful pc nice to show and offering all contents on TV wirelessly!

The platform will be able to decode and run all the existing and the next standards of the contents producers guaranteeing the proper billing.


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