Cloud, privacy and …the right choice!
The personal computer, as a definition, identifies a device with computational capability, owned and managed by a single user.
The concept of ownership and management is very deeply linked and coming with pros and cons ( to decide all on data generated and enjoyed, but the duty to upgrade systems, sw and hw ).
The new trend proposes the Cloud to solve the problems and to offer a more efficient way to be linked 24/7 to all personal data. ( ….even if the question is: do I really need it 24/7? ) and to break free from the problems of sw updating, hw failures and cyber-attacks ( which are brought to cloud as well… )
In this article ( on The Wall Street Journal : “Are consumers better off putting everything in the cloud?”) are quite clearly explained points of strengths and weakness of Cloud and “old style solutions”, blinking eye to a hybrid solution…
But the opening sentence releases a key to better focus the issue : “The cloud offers people the chance to unload their data-storage and computing chores onto somebody else’s machines. “
Is this due to a technological bottle neck of the consumer devices offered in the market?! Not at all!!! Buying a pc laptop ( and more to say ), desktop, computational architecture ( Intel or AMD cpu from Atom to core i7, from A to Apu ) have performances well over the average need of 90% of standard users.
Is this due to a lack of reliability of consumer devices ?! Not at all, even if….the commercial obsolescence boosted in the last 3 years is “inviting” the common user to change device every 2-2,5 years to obtain reasonable performances ( time expected to obtain a feed-back after generating an input! ).
Is this due to a real need to access wherever and whenever to personal data?! Yes and No. For job could be a chance to be more productive ( but is this in line with the working hours paid?! ), for a private use this is necessary to run mobile services.
Now let’s jump to the smart-phones and tablet reality. Those devices allow the user to access to a universe of contents and services which usually were accessible only via pc and some brand new services which offer added value while in movement. Most, or nearly all services are offered through mobile apps which are free ( or at a very low cost ). But do you really think are free?!
In the above cited article there is another important sentence: “Of course, if the service is free, the provider makes money somehow, such as by selling data about users’ behaviour.”
So we have two concepts on the table: ownership of the data and their management, and the selling of the data from the cloud providers.
Does it sounds strange?!
But the “knights of the cloud providers” are quick to ensure that they can protect the uploaded data, much better then the single user on his/her pc…actually this is not true, seen what happened to big companies offering cloud services… and most of all, there is a question without an official reply: “ who will protect my data from being spied by the cloud provider itself!?
Obviously this question has a reply!!!!…our data, upload on a third party servers in the cloud, ARE NOT ANY MORE ONLY OURS and nobody in the universe can prevent the cloud providers to access freely and constantly to all them.
Now let’s jump on tele-assistance and e-health added value services which could really improve patients quality life. In this article on Wirelessdeisgnmag are described some benefits like time and cost savings to reach the hospital, preventions, and collateral advantages in being monitored at home instead to go to hospital.
But imagine if the physiological parameters measured, thanks to wearable sensors, are going to be uploaded in the cloud…are you scared from the fact that those data could be sold to insurance companies and/or to potential employers and/or to commercial competitors?! YES, YES , YES!!!!!
Now, link this FACT to this article on Ichannel ( “Apple headphones to collect health data ?)…
All the OTT and the companies involved in mobile and wearable technologies will face a really big issue: privacy!
The misuses or abuse of physiological parameters of the single, can infringe her/his privacy, damaging her/his right as a citizen, as a worker and as a part of a free democratic and equal society.
The same issue will arise to all Internet of Things potential developments, and above all in home automation ( will you be happy to know that someone is spying you, at home?!?!?!?!)
To complete the overview, let’s now jump on electromagnetic pollution…are you wondering where is the point?. Please watch this image below.
As far as our privacy is damaged, at the same way, our health is damaged.
A mobile phone, the “old technology”, is, and was, less dangerous for our health, because the electro magnetic pollution is, and was, generated while talking and a little part, to refresh the signal to link the device to the cell of infrastructure communication.
The “new technology” which has transformed a mobile phone, in a mobile pc, is MUCH MORE DANGEROUS due to the fact that the device is continuously transmitting data stolen through the downloaded apps. In this article on Sciencedaily is reported how heavy cell phone use linked to oxidative stress improves cancer risk!!!
Have you ever read the smart phones safety instructions?! If not, go and search for the page where it is clearly written that you MUST keep the mobile phone far at least 1,5 cm from the body to avoid electromagnetic waves, over the natural capability of our body to stand safely them?!?!
The fact that the batteries of the new smart phones are nearly enough for one day use ( around 12-16 hours ) is not because are too small …part of the consumption is due to the large display, but the highest consumption is due to the continuous transmissions of the mobile device to the cloud of the manufacturer …and Apple , as for some other things, has been pioneer and soon after followed by all the manufacturers!!!
So, before choosing , think carefully to some aspects which usually are not so well “shared” !
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