Why we MUST be spied?!
This question comes from a sad awareness: the information and communication technology infrastructure has been created to allow the spying.
This is a very interesting point of view exposed by Mikko Hypponen along a TEDx event on October 2013 in Brussels. ( source Wireless Design & Development ) http://on.ted.com/NSAbetray
But I want to add more considerations on it.
If the secret services and the Intelligence of USA or any other countries are doing their jobs, this it is supposed to guarantee security and national interests.
This can be widely accepted…even because there is anything can be done to avoid this.
What is shameful it’s the fact that PRIVATE companies , like the OTTs, are continuosly collecting data from our “being present in the internet”.
This means that all our digital lives, mirroring our REAL LIFE, are collected by private companies who spy all contents in order to profile commercial ads.
This is the best and good thesis…if we would like to think “wrong” , we can imagine that the same subjects can spy companies communications in order to discover industrial secrets.
Can profile the habits and the use of singles , group of people and communities , through algorithms to do it.
And we all know that those algoritms are very efficient : just think about the SIRI or the same android system to recognize voice…
So it’s a reality that all the bits flow on internet like e-mails, documents, fax, pictures, multimedia contents, and voice can be scanned, filed and “understood” and so…used or better to say, misused!
So the advice it’s clear: using the services offered by OTT it’s a certainty of being spied.
Now we are aware!
….and this is a starting point to CHANGE!
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