When right to Privacy meansright to defend EU from unfair competition!

The EU Commission seems awake!

Finally someone is acknowledging what it’s the ( desperate) situation where EU it’s thefar westfor few super powerfull ICT companies capable to do whatever they want, to pay anideal very very little amount of taxesand create a system to control on whoever is on the internet ( citizens, companies, institutions )

Unfortunately this is not a nightmare, but a real scenario where Governments are obliged to ask, to few private companies ( 苹果, 谷歌, 微软, Facebook的, Amazon, Expedia and some others ) to open their database, stored in their servers, to spy.

Big Data, 云, virtualization are operations to enlarge the power and the controls of few, on all.

To defend the right to privacy, menas to defend EU from unfair competition!

let’s see if after valuable words, will be realized tangible facts to defend european citizens, companies, institutions and territories


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