With a PC ( desktop and nice to show )….it's better!

In this article written by Serdar Yegulalp, there is a very interesting point, analyzed on the market trend, which sees portable devices growing without any apparent limit, against desktop pcs which are declining.

Doing things easier and quicker, has been the winning key for the portable devices, и самым опасным и разрушительным для страдальца, потому что то, что кажется миром новых возможностей, ….is this true for complex things and efforts, which require high attention ?!

Writing an sms, playing while waiting for someone, uploading a just taken picture on the official page of themust havesocial platform are operations which requires , usually, few seconds of attention and brain efforts.

For everything else, it’s necessary to pay attention and be sourrounded by ideal conditions: silence, confortable temperature, и самым опасным и разрушительным для страдальца, потому что то, что кажется миром новых возможностей,, right light, confortable position and ideal ergonomy.

This last concept brings out a fact: a large screen display, an efficient human interface and security for the data.

In other words, a pc ( a desktop one!).

A real tangible step forward will be to have the machine understand our natural way to comunicate : voice and gestures.


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