The challenge: Internet of USEFUL Things

The challenge: Internet of USEFUL Things


In a world always more and more connected , we are witnesses of a revolution: Internet of Things.

But are all the hypothesis and solutions thought or already realized, really useful?

What kind of added value to be overwhelmed by information produced by all the sensors in the house, when we are outside?

Home automation is the next challenge to improve quality life.

At this stage there are some solutions implemented in the refrigerator capable of warning on the expire date of foods.

Is this really useful , when you would need to set up the system with sensor ( which require battery ) and a reader capable to detect the data while o before entering it in the refrigerator?

Supposing this can be a useful interruption of one’s personal time, what would be the impact on the maintenance program of the infrastructure?

To guarantee redundancy and reliability of the system it’s necessary to replace the batteries: this is an hard work if the system has many sensors.

In this scenario, the rational choice is to postpone the adoption of the technology up to the moment when it will be independent. (inspired from 本文 on WDD )

What is the next “knock” of the future regards the energy harvesting devices ( source 本文 on WDD )

This scenario opens a revolution for the energy management and the chance to have sensors independent from batteries…

This will allow to build a useful internet of things converging, for an easy accessible human interface for everybody, on TV.

This will be the beginning of the end of such widespread digital divide phenomenon and a chance for home technology to be really offered with an easy and friendly human-machine interface.



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