Europe: from sweet dream to live nightmare (battle of privacy vs OTT)

Europe: from sweet dream to live nightmare (battle of privacy vs OTT)

En cet article written in the Guardian, it’s evident as is changing the shared approach of Europe, towards OTT.

It’s very strange ascertain that ONLY now, all the institutions and authorities realize what the OTT have made, in the last 15 years!!!!!!!

Just like waking up from a sweet dreams and realize to live in a nightmarewhile , who was called to defend and to protect european citizens and companies knew very very very well what was going on!

It’s so easy to be the best when the competitive advantages are coming from a strategy based on cheating , stealing data and tax evasion!!!

But trying to be as balanced as possible, it’s even true that if the OTT have managed their actions exploiting juridical holes, they have made their homeworkwhich means , anyway, the guilty behaviour of the usual politicians!!!

Nick Pickles, director of privacy campaign group Big Brother Watch, said: “This is the latest confirmation that consumers are being kept in the dark about what data on us Google collects and how that data is used.

Google ignored concerns its policy broke the law and put its profit before the legal rights of British citizens.

The main issue is that sanctions must be strong enough to make Google take real action, rather than the previous meagre penalties that are seen as a cost of doing business. Regulators around the world must act to ensure concrete steps are taken to uphold peoples rights and stop Google routinely trampling on our privacy.

Apart from the usual consideration, we are in the middle of a cold war , where Europe always poorer and poorer it’s now waking up and start reading the rules written to see if there is a chance to gain money

In the meantime , without a proper politics to boost economy, the companies and the citizens are left to sink


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