PERSONAL AI and LOYAL Technology : ComputArte @ MWC2023 – Barcelona 27th Feb – 02nd March 2023
#Bianca will be at #MWC2023 : a unique ornamental home server with Private AI and CATTASTIC light and sound.
We have been selected by ITA between the best Italian company to represent Artificial Intelligence new approach and development.
It might seems that our Loyal Technology© focused on protecting, defending and respecting user’ privacy it’s a fish out of water in such an important event like the Mobile World Congress which actually it’s focused on thechnology engineered to “collect as many data as possibile”…. but this is evolution 🙂
Thinking on keeping the user as a mere “data producer” it’s not any more substainable.
Thinking on keeping privacy as an unusless “old concept” won’t work anymore.
Common people it’s start understanding that privacy it’s not an optional but a primary need, above all, inside home
And when common people understanding that ignoring privacy means to let “someone else” harvest their data and making a lot of money…the wind it’s changing.
Technology gurus, in defense of their hives built on absolute subservience to the OTTs, continue to deny the importance of privacy and new derivative technologies, pumping visions and investments into platforms engineered to amplify data collection to fuel cross-profiling for digital twins.
No change, no progress: it’s time to change!
There are 5 coloured questions on the graphic above.
Please read them carefully and if your answer it’s YES, come to visit our booth in Hall 7 n° D51 : you will see, test and touch a brand new CATTASTIC Loyal Technology with Personal AI and ML on Little Data
PERSONAL AI and LOYAL Technology : ComputArte @ MWC2023 – Barcelona – Mobile World Congress. A compuCat will save the world and technology
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