Posts Tagged "security"

Stati Generali dell’ Industria – 24 Febbraio 2016 – Roma

Roma 31 Marzo 2016 Stati Generali dell’ Industria – 24 Febbraio 2016 – Roma Il 23 dan 24 Febbraio 2016 presso il Dipartimento di Economia “Federico Caffè” dell’Università Roma Tre, si sono tenuti 12 Focus Group organizzati dalla Regione Lazio sui seguenti argomenti:   1) Edilizia sostenibile – 23 febbraio, ore 10 2) Scienze della vita e farmaceutico – 23 febbraio, ore 10 3) Economia del mare – 23 febbraio, ore 10 4) Aerospazio e sicurezza – 23 febbraio, ore 14 5) Audiovisivo, industrie creative ed editoria – 23 febbraio, ore 14 6 )Turismo e beni culturali – 23 febbraio, ore 14 7) Automotive – 24 febbraio, ore...

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Privacy and security: it’s a game called …PRISM!

In this article we can all ascertain how privacy and security it’s a new kind of game! ….and the players are : Governments and few powerful uncontrolled private ICT companies….while all of us are the pawns on a crazy chessboard. It’s really very worrying that governments are obliged to ask to private companies to disclose their servers to reach the goal of guaranteeing public security. It’s like a teacher asking to the student to leran more how to organize the lessons. I am not worried to be spied by the Government , if this is a anti-terrorism and security issue. Iam scared by the FACT that private companies have hectars of servers which store all information even the one which are in my right to remain only mine and so,...

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XBox Satu : tidak hanya game tapi konten-konten eksklusif dari Hollywood

Dalam artikel ini itu higlighted apa s Microsoft langkah berikutnya, untuk XBox Satu. Ballmer sedang mencoba untuk melibatkan Hollywood untuk memasok konten untuk menawarkan melalui Xbox Satu. Sekarang bahwa “model bisnis klasik” berdasarkan produksi pc dan OS Windows berada dalam krisis, Microsoft membedakan strategi pemasaran dalam harapan mendapatkan kembali tanah terhadap pesaing ( Apple dan Google ). Salah satu medan pasar berikutnya adalah ruang tamu dan di sini Microsoft adalah pelopor pemanfaatan teknologi Kinect untuk suara dan pengakuan gerakan. Xbox Satu akan menjadi hub untuk menikmati banyak isi , yang akan offerd oleh semua produsen mampu untuk memiliki kehadiran yang kuat di internet. Exept untuk unit grafis kuat , perangkat ini , lebih atau kurang ...

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Cloud is not good for data you want to remain privatecloud it’s better for a dream!

This article written by Andrew Froehlich, just fits perfectly to what it’s the common feeling, after Prism. The question is : who can we trust now? …because, to start using the “awan” as a storage system, it’s necessary to have a great faith that human kind is honest and transparentand ascertaing how things are going on , it’s very hard! There is one incontrovertible fact: when data leave the confine of the computer’s firewall, is no longer private. No one can tell exactly where will phisically be stored and if the owner of the server, will take care of them, like you would do. The veryold fashioned conceptto store what is yours, in your pc, is the best way to protect it, because...

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