Posts Tagged "spying"

Why we MUST be spied?!

Why we MUST be spied?! This question comes from a sad awareness: the information and communication technology infrastructure has been created to allow the spying. This is a very interesting point of view exposed by Mikko Hypponen along a TEDx event on October 2013 in Brussels. ( source Wireless Design & Development ) But I want to add more considerations on it. If the secret services and the Intelligence of USA or any other countries are doing their jobs, this it is supposed to guarantee security and national interests. This can be widely accepted…even because there is anything can be done to avoid this. What is shameful it’s the fact that PRIVATE companies , like the OTTs, are continuosly collecting data from our “being...

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Mobile Apps steal and spy personal data ( San Diego University )

In this article a researcher of the San Diego University ( Yuvraj Agarwal ) has shown that ” Almost half of the mobile apps running on Apple’s iOS operating system access the unique identifier of the devices where they’re downloaded. ” Apart from the fact that ALL the mobile apps access to personal data like address book, pictures, logs of phone calls, visited web sites and some more parameters which identify the user very precisely, there is a frightening acceptance by anyone who is bringing this rough reality to the forefront of public attention , without realizing that are violated the fundamental rights of the individual. The information shared by the researcher it’s a bit partial because doesn’t consider the...

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When right to Privacy means…right to defend EU from unfair competition!

The EU Commission seems awake! Finally someone is acknowledging what it’s the ( desperate) situation where EU it’s the “far west” for few super powerfull ICT companies capable to do whatever they want, to pay an “ideal very very little amount of taxes” and create a system to control on whoever is on the internet ( citizens, companies, institutions ) Unfortunately this is not a nightmare, but a real scenario where Governments are obliged to ask, to few private companies ( Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Expedia and some others ) to open their database, stored in their servers, to spy. Big Data, cloud, virtualization are operations to enlarge the power and the controls of few, on all. To defend the right to privacy,...

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Privacy and security: it’s a game called …PRISM!

In this article we can all ascertain how privacy and security it’s a new kind of game! ….and the players are : Governments and few powerful uncontrolled private ICT companies….while all of us are the pawns on a crazy chessboard. It’s really very worrying that governments are obliged to ask to private companies to disclose their servers to reach the goal of guaranteeing public security. It’s like a teacher asking to the student to leran more how to organize the lessons. I am not worried to be spied by the Government , if this is a anti-terrorism and security issue. Iam scared by the FACT that private companies have hectars of servers which store all information even the one which are in my right to remain only mine and so,...

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