Computarte in Italy of Innovators 2011 in China

Computarte in Italy of Innovators 2011 in China


Italy of Innovators, it is an initiative promoted by the Innovation Agency for the diffusion of innovation technologies, in collaboration with the Digitization and Technological Innovation Department, which aims to bring out the best examples of Italian innovation and technological excellence.
The project was launched by the Italian government in 2010, on the occasion of the Shanghai Expo and for the first time the government began to enhance, with force, Italian innovation abroad, promoting technological excellence in our country.
According to the Expo Organizing Committee, it was the best innovation project of the entire Universal Exposition.
"Italy of Innovators" presented the Chinese with an Italy with a high technological content, capable of innovating and being an industrial player in international markets. With this project, the Agency has managed to change the perception that the Chinese have of Italy, helping to improve relations between China and Italy in the field of technological exchange.
Indeed, following the relations established with Italia degli Innovatori, on the occasion of the visit of Premier Wen Jiabao del 7 October, a protocol on technological exchange between the two countries was signed, which starts from what was successfully started by this project, in addition, a technology transfer commission was set up, of which the agency will be the promoter for the Italian side.
The project has a very broad scope and aims to be the first step in a policy of promoting Italian innovation. It wants to permanently give international visibility to Italian technological excellence, often hidden and not very visible at the institutional level, creating an event with the aim of showcasing the best of Italy and starting to make a first census of the excellences present in our country in order to enhance them.

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