1 a 0 for equity! Capezzone and OTT lost ... only the first round!

1 a 0 for equity! Capezzone and OTT lost ... only the first round!

Roma 06 February 2014

After the sneaky attempt to cancel the web tax by Capezzone, Savino and
Laffranco ( "Ladies" who should represent the interests of Italian citizens and businesses ), I am pleased to point out that this has been rejected by Parliament ( article in the Corriere Delle Comunicazioni ).

But this is only the first of a long series of attacks that will follow one another until July 1st 2014, date on which theoretically, the law will come into effect, obliging anyone who operates in our country, to pay the right taxes as Italian companies do!

The lobby of "crafty" operators soon began the attack on "fair competition" because it will have in store , several "unconventional weapons" ...

This will be the testing ground for ascertaining, as much as the current government ( or what will follow ), they will be able to enforce a principle that shouldn't even be discussed ...

As i have publicly denounced it is necessary to keep our guard up and join forces and voices to try to defend ourselves in our home!!!

These are not words of raving demagoguery, but the harsh and disconcerting observation that those who have governed us so far, it has done much more to the interests of the power groups, that of citizens and businesses ...

Europe must rise from these desolating ashes that cover what we were and that are suffocating young people and companies trying to establish themselves in the market.


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