Posts Tagged "Italia"

L’Italia e la “fear” to innovate

L’Italia e la “fear” to innovate …Italians are creative and inventive, there is no doubt, Noting also the praise and recognition from other tributatoci…at least from the point of view of history. Our large manufacturing has been put to sleep, and in many cases die, for political incompetence, logic of patronage and abominable miopismo strategic part of those who had to support those who were competing at the highest levels ( uno fra tanti, Olivetti ). The money and resources ( investment and public infrastructure ) are focused on the reality that often do nothing but increase our debt, senza realizzare i promessi vantaggi e concretare effetti positivi sul comparto produttivo ed il...

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Datagate: una verità senza ombra di dubbio!

Datagate: una verità senza ombra di dubbio! E’ fuori da ogni dubbio: siamo spiati continuativamente e senza limiti, on everything that passes on third-party servers. It seems ironic that the only way to be sure to communicate in confidence, both paper delivered “brevi manu” In questo articolo di Key4biz si riporta la notizia di come NSA sia in grado di spiare tutte le piattaforme degli smartphone ( Blackberry, iOS, Android, Microsoft ) andando , di fatto, a polverizzare la privacy. It continues to say that this is for purposes antirterrorismo: so be it! But who watches the watchmen? no one knows the limits of such actions “spying” e allo stato dei fatti tutti possono essere spiati...

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Shock announcement by the German Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich: if you feel bugged, do not use American sites!

This article in English, the German Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich has clearly told : ” who fear that their communications could be intercepted in some way, should use the services that do not pass through the U.S. servers”. Clearly this statement is framed in the scandal disruptive Datagate Prism which sees the revelations of Edward Snowden ensure a systematic espionage of all the information that flows through the network . The Germania, as well as France , is, not mince words, pointing the finger on the American system and all OTT stars and stripes that hold most of the traffic generated by individuals and businesses. We are at a historical crossroads, where some states ...

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Tutti scandalizzati per Prism, tante minacce e poi….

Tutti scandalizzati per Prism, tante minacce e poi…. This article is an echo to the climate apparently tense and almost shocked by PRISM, when is from about 15 years that everyone who needed to know , were aware that the U.S. had such programs, but above all that the internet would become what it is today….and what did!?!? What are they doing , now, is under the eyes: you are scandalizing! Now let's see if the words follow the facts, to restore some dignity to Europe and begin to restore credibility to an economy and European companies that until now have competition in disadvantaged conditions , against those who….spy literally everything !!!! As usual in Italy are the taillights, while ...

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Mentre l’Italia dorme , la Francia lotta contro gli OTT e la concorrenza sleale!

In questo articolo si legge cosa la Frnacia, grazie al Ministro Filippetti sta facendo contro la concorrenza sleale delgli OTT e nello specifico di Amazon! Con una realtà così evidente, ancora si perde tempo e non si applicano le leggi che veramente creerebbero milioni di posti di lavoro riportando ad essere competitive tutte le aziende europee che ora devono tentare di sopravvivere contro i mostri OTT che fagocitano tutto grazie alle loro politiche imperialiste , basate sullo su una vantaggio competitivo ineguagliabile: la fruizione di tutti i dati! ….e tutti , si intendono veramente anche quelli difficilmente immeginabili che invece emergono da uno spionaggio continuativo di tutti gli accessi che si effettuano sulla rete! Tanto per iniziare è giusto...

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