Posts Tagged "Microsoft"

Ballmer ( Microsoft ) admits the error, but…

Ballmer ( Microsoft ) admits the error, but… In this article in the Corriere Of Communications Ballmer said it was wrong to lose the "train" smartphone and have focussed too much on the Windows PC. But his admission of guilt is not convincing, in the light of the fact that if he concentrated only on windows PC would never have decided to adopt a touch interface with a tablet, as developed for the Windows operating system 8. Further evidence is the fact that the version 8.1 bring back some of the characteristics of desktop systems ( it is. the "start" button ). In the light of the results of the market and the success of all the mobile tools, what he has decreed an almost "hole in the water", was the ...

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Datagate, by Zuckerberg (Facebook) it is easy to beat “mea culpa” on the chest of the other

Datagate, by Zuckerberg (Facebook) it is easy to beat “mea culpa” on the chest of the other , it can be easy to blame others, in an attempt ( goffo ed inefficace ) to camouflage their responsibilities! But which pulpit Mark Zuckerberg is allowed to assert that the U.S. government, in the role of the NSA, has “wrong” not finding “the right balance between data protection and economy”?!?!? The first to spy on any type of information directly or indirectly, that passes through the most famous social platform on the planet, è lui. While the NSA may be, eventually, justified to fight ...

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Start the siege on the TV in the living room ( Google e Chromecast )

Start the siege on the TV in the living room ( Google e Chromecast ) E’ some days that runs the news that google has proposed and sold on its online store, all keys that Chromecast interfaced to TV via HDMI, enable the use of mobile tools and not ( smartphone, tablet, pc ) like remote controls, to enjoy internet content directly on the big screen. Caution: compared to the competition of Apple TV and Google TV and the same Nexus Q, content is found on the net and not generated by external tools. In practice for Apple content is generated by the smartphone or tablet with obvious problems of battery life and signal stability. But this latest problem could afflict Chromecast ...

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Microsoft Kinect: the courts will reject that claim the data generated by users

Microsoft Kinect: the courts will reject that claim the data generated by users , Kinect head. In this article, Microsoft ensures that the Kinect will have a LED that will signal the operational phase of the camera and the microphones making known to the user , when the sensor is in full operation. But this is no comfort from the real danger: the indiscriminate collection of data within the home. Place a sensor that is capable of recording video and audio is quite a challenge, if you do not provide an absolute guarantee the complete absence of such data output ...

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Microsoft XBox One: il cavallo di troia per espugnare la TV nel salotto

Microsoft XBox One: il cavallo di troia per espugnare la TV nel salotto In questo articolo si evidenzia la strategia di Microsoft per conquistare un terreno ancora vergine e di esclusiva competenza dei classici braodcaster : la TV nel salotto. Il cavallo di troia è una consolle di gioco. Altri hanno iniziato proponendo smart TV. Altri ancora set top box dedicati e chiusi… insomma la fortezza è assediata e gli attachi sono multipli e convergenti verso una meta unica: la pubblicità da proporre attraverso la TV. In questo frangente, dove si parla quasi esclusivamente di pubblicità su strumenti mobili e si constata la grande crescita di tale segmento, le big ICT e soprattutto gli OTT hanno messo gli occhi e vorrebbero mettere le mani sul lucroso mercato...

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