There is innovation beyond mobile apps ?

There is innovation beyond mobile apps ?


In a market completely focused on the phenomenon of smartphones and tablets, now we talk about innovation exclusively for the creation of apps for these tools.

Such an intense flourishing of incubators and accelerators for start-ups was not seen since the gold rush in Klondyke J

The thing that makes you think, is that resources are being concentrated, brains and efforts on an infrastructure created by a few companies that monopolize the ICT market.

That infrastructure is, by the very fact, built with logics and dynamics that showed how fragile it is, in light of various espionage and privacy violation scandals ( Datagate , NSA, OTTs that profile advertisements by spying on everything that passes through their servers etc. etc. ).

In addition to the desired fragility and permeability of the systems, tax planning is added to minimize, if not reset, the payment of taxes in Europe ...

This materializes an evident condition of unfair competition that penalizes European companies that try to compete against these mammoth subjects., but with results for all to see and with the prospect of aspiring, at most, to be valvassori ( of the servants !)

The painting, viewed from this perspective it is somewhat distressing and alarming, but nevertheless, who should watch, who should legislate and who should serve the interests of citizens and businesses, continues to push a model of innovation that sees us slaves to exogenous logics.

Furthermore, this phenomenon exacerbates all its danger, in a country like Italy that has shown how and how much, creativity and Italian genius, have been the forerunners for many of the technology and progress now available to everyone ( globally ).

In a country that has a strong manufacturing soul, without detracting from the advanced tertiary sector ( that of developers and programmers who bring the above start-ups to life ), it is very limiting to focus almost all resources to develop software on third party platforms.

Surely the risks and investments to create applications are infinitesimal, compared to the development of a physical product, but this does not justify the blinders that institutions and lenders have in looking at innovation that is beyond the logic of the OTTs.

Technology is emerging with new approaches to non-new issues, but that could be revolutionized in use : domotica, teleassistance, resource optimization in living and working environments… the challenge is on everyone's table, but face it without filters, blinders and fashionable influences, it will be the real element that will make the difference ... a value that has led Europe to always be a hotbed of ideas and progress.

Let's not miss this train!

This interview highlights the ComputArte Project which interprets technological innovation starting from a physical product and reaching the ergonomics of use and fruition of technology, with the aim of making it useful, functions and services inside the house, through the TV, respecting and protecting the privacy of users.


Copyright ComputArte


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