Mood06 Arredo e Arte by ComputArte @ BDNY Butique Design New York il 13 e 14 Novembre 2022 presso il Javits Center. Il Design incontra luce,suono e Arte.
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Saranno esposte le seguenti versioni , in attesa del lancio del CompuGatto con IA PRIVATA ( guarda il video ufficiale )
Bianca Miao© Inspired by the myth of the Egyptian Goddess Bastet.
– CeraMicino© version – Ceramic Furnishing accessory in 4 dimensions.
– LuMicino© version – Ceramic lights in unique hand crafted pieces.
– MusiCat© version – Ceramic Blutooth Loudspeaker.
– CeraMicino© ARTE version – Unique Art pieces realized on demand.
Tutta la produzione è rigorosamente realizzata in Italia.
Boutique Design New York (BDNY) is the leading trade fair and conference for hospitality’s boutique and lifestyle design community.
For two high-energy days each November, it’s the curated, creative event of the industry—bringing designers, architects, purchasing agents, hoteliers, owners, and developers together with inventive manufacturers of design elements for hospitality interiors for a highly curated experience. BDNY will return to New York’s Javits Center November 13-14, 2022 for it’s 12th year and will be co-located with HX: The Hotel Experience.
Progetto ComputArte® e Mood06 Arredo e Arte by ComputArte© copyright©