Let's try to connect a few dots…what an image comes out??

Let's try to connect a few dots…what an image comes out??

Let's try to connect a few dots…what an image comes out??

First Dot : I find myself a piece of news that actually seems to be a real advertorial ( an advertisement disguised as in-depth news ) about Alexa and its “intimate” functioning….

I remember commenting on it, but …. poof …. I go to check and I see another good event of CENSOR ….

and knowing the perverse mechanism of the internet and of news that SEEM to be commentable only if one-way, I learned to keep track of all the news including my comments, many of which are taken up and published on the official blog https://www.computarte.it/blog/

In short, this is the article : https://www.01smartlife.it/alexa-ci-spia-vediamoci-chiaro/#comment-12281 and this is my CENSORED comment :

02 Nov 2022
…looks like an Alexa commercial!
Let's try to clarify some fundamental points!
1) La wake word PUO’ be processed locally, BUT everything else, as mandated by amazon itself , va “happily” in the Amazon CLOUD

2) Lo STT ( speech to text ) literally transcribes the RECORDED conversation in the audio clip…. always and in any case after a real or presumed activation of the microphone ( and who has this product, has been able to ascertain that IT OFTEN activates itself without a specific command…..)

3)If the user is allowed to know and possibly delete the data STORED in the AMAZON cloud ( aka HIS servers ), who assures us that the DATA extrapolated from the original contents, being processed and therefore “newcomers” , do not remain in the knowledge patrimony of AMAZON?

4) It makes you smile that the link of the “fact checking” refer to an official amazon page , when there are a handful of independent researchers who have Verified as Alexa ( but also ALL other virtual assistants ) are also activated WITHOUT wake word (… how strange) and than listening to recorded conversations “for quality reasons” they are subcontractors hired ad hoc .... not to mention cross-profiling to feed the digital twins to be fed to predictive algorithms.

Second dot: I had left the news of the Clubhouse fine as an open page in my browser ( https://www.agendadigitale.eu/sicurezza/privacy/sanzione-a-clubhouse-scorza-il-destino-dei-nostri-dati-non-si-baratta-con-qualche-ora-di-svago/ ) ... not that in the meantime other social networks have not been copiously sanctioned, but why take it so meticulously with the latest arrival, When I 20 years that the "usual" social media have been doing PORK MEAT with users and their privacy?

Why such a disciplinary attitude ( so to speak, noted the volumes of business that ridicule the fines for a handful .... ) it is not applied in a deliberately inhibitory manner? ( for the series….the TRUE 4% of worldwide turnover!!!)…mysteries of the authorities called to supervise and ACT to sanction…

what does it mean : a REAL consequence in DAMAGE to the transgressor….DAMAGE means making those who abuse and do not respect laws and regulations cry, so he thinks twice… but given the recurrences, who abuses, "maybe", it is convenient to continue to do so!

Third dot : Microsoft Office 365 It is NOT compatible with a legal use in schools ….guess why?!…not GDPR compliant, and to put it BLACK ON WHITE is the German Privacy Guarantor .

Here is the source : https://www.ilsoftware.it/articoli.asp?tag=Microsoft-365-il-Garante-tedesco-dice-che-e-incompatibile-con-l-uso-nelle-scuole_25322
Without even bringing up the "telemetry" of Microsoft Operating Systems and the intimate structure of CLOUD services which are under DIRECT control of the Government thanks to the Cloud Act and Fisa 102…

always beating the mea culpa on the chest of intelligence agencies NOT to see that they too spy, they just have to have access to the servers of "private" companies that collect any digital trace of any entity that produces data ( human beings, animals, institutions, society, IoT on wind turbines in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean ….

But it is possible that one has to have one's throat cut to see that one has a knife at one's throat?!?

Last dot : E’ draft out’ agreement that should guarantee the "correct and lawful" transfer of European data to the servers of American companies...

Max Schrems is already sharpening the blades and …there is no two , without three….

Conclusion: it seems to glimpse a gush of lava from a structural fault that continues to grow….business models based on cross-profiling to catalog EVERYTHING and EVERYONE ( for predictive purposes = always win anyway, effortlessly… ) they are about to implode…

The process is not reversible. The historical cycle is about to change. Europe must once again become the melting pot of a new culture, not just in words, but also with FACTS and this means starting to DO true INNOVATION !!!! ( not writing App code on puppet infrastructures…)

This article is on the blog https://www.computarte.it/?p=24575

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