A scenario ( dangerous! ) hoped for by those who offer cloud…the management of sensitive data by third parties.

In this article Gartner expects that by 2019 the 90% (!!!) of companies will prefer to outsource to third parties, sensitive data…

Of course, those points are highlighted that “would entice” companies to delegate an act such as drinking or breathing to third parties!!!! ( the economic convenience in storing and managing data safely …)

The company's assets , whatever its size, it is precisely the set of intimate information that also forms the basis for building a strategy and a vision.

The gurus of the clud would like companies to be lobotomized who drink the fairy tales that are told to make the children fall asleep…

We are already spied continuously and systematically on all mobile instruments, and who spies, he would like to have work even more simplified and at a lower cost, simply going to open a folder on your servers!!!

E’ truly hallucinating to see how cloud still stands as THE solution to all evils, when it is itself an evil, if provided in the form and manner by those who already control most of the information and spy on unsuspecting users with impunity.

I know , as I believe, companies will be able to distinguish real and tangible dangers, in virtualizing their computers, the cloud will remain a service for imprudent private users ( unfortunately, as the growth estimates of certain social networks show….still many!)

The only way to protect data, knowledge and corporate assets, is to keep computers with efficient security and control systems, e usarne alcuni addirittura non collegati alla rete, fin tanto che qualcuno non non offra soluzioni veramente più efficienti e a prova di pirati, magari con una polizza assicurativa che garantisca rimborsi più che proporzionati alla perdita dei datie fino ad oggi NESSUNO di coloro che offre CLOUD, fa ciò!

Nelle nuvole ci stanno bene i sogni, per tutto il resto è importante rimanere con i piedi e i computer per terra ! 🙂

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