Datagate, for Zuckerberg (Facebook) è facile battere il "mea culpa" on the chest of others

Datagate, for Zuckerberg (Facebook) it's easy to beat the “MEA culpa” on the chest of others

Reading this article in the Corriere Delle Comunicazioni I've been thinking about how much for some individuals, it can be easy to blame others, trying ( clumsy and ineffective ) to camouflage their responsibilities!

But from which pulpit Mark Zuckerberg takes the liberty of affirming that the American government, as the NSA, he has “mistaken” not finding “the right balance between data protection and economy”?!?!?

The first to spy on any kind of direct or indirect information, that passes through the most famous social platform on the planet, and he.

While the NSA can be, possibly, justified to fight terrorism, him and everyone “the companions of snacks” ( Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and whoever has more, more put!) they are absolutely not justifiable for what they collect on our lives, habits and uses , without there being a minimum glimpse of personal data protection.

It's still his, or someone else from the group of crafty people competed to “equal arms” , they certainly would not be what they have become, in the cowardly silence of institutions and control bodies that have allowed unfair competition behavior, misleading advertising and oligopoly cartels that are no longer concealed!

In Europe, development models with stars and stripes continue to be mimicked, without noting that the Internet is the technology capable of making it usable, they are built to make life easy for those few who attend from operating systems, the telecomination platforms….in the face of fair competition and true meritocracy , but most of all….of VERA innovation!



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