Free competition: far from the dynamics of the network!

Free competition: far from the dynamics of the network!


We weren't the first , nor will we be the last to say that the internet is anything but neutral, free and equal. A reality that emerges every day and that worries about the undemocratic and anti-liberal drift it is taking, contrary to the self-referential declarations of the OTTs and those who praise the internet, without wanting to “notice” the mechanisms that make it run.

Google, is challenging before the Regional Administrative Court the request made by Agcom to access the turnover data relating to the Italian market ( source key4biz ).

Because bigG does not align itself with those controls that all companies in the media sector must undergo? Sarà la questione della tassazione a rendere così “sensibili” i vertici di Google? 🙂

Comunque i dati parlano chiaro : I know Google controlla il 32% del mercato pubblicitario mondiale e fra il 50-60% di quello italiano. ( fonte Key 4biz ) è sacrosanto richiedere che si adegui ai regimi fiscali imposti ai concorrenti che pagano le tasse, operando localmente. Tutto il resto è fumo per continuare a ritardare una applicazione giusta di un regime fiscale che diminuirebbe drasticamente la “capacità competitiva “ ( asimmetrica, ed in quanto tale, NON GIUSTA ) di coloro che si nascondono dietro la bazzecola di avere i servers fuori dal territorio europeo, e ponendo una sede legale in Irlanda con pianificazione fiscale attraverso off-shore olandesi…

On the one hand, there is the battle to make those who work in internet advertising pay at least the right taxes, on the other hand, the mechanism that determines such a strong commercial profiling capacity is being brought into focus.

And here comes the knot: privacy! Anyone who comes into possession of all data generated through the network, it has immense ability to "compete" against "old" advertising channels ( printed paper, tv, radio ).

When the internet wasn't there, classic advertising channels WIN the credibility and therefore the loyalty of the user, through a serious and professional work of seeking the truth and deepening what really happened and interested the public.

All of this required and requires enormous efforts and resources ( reporters in the field, news retrieval, verification and insights )

The added value was, and it's, right in this work: CHECK THE FACTS AND NEWS to win a REPUTATION of reliability.

Today , especially on the internet, this is no longer the case.

The priority has become the speed of publishing news ( without verifying it properly ) e, if ever, correct it later ...

The quality of the news is absolutely low.

Laidamente, it is implied that it is the social 2.0 to verify the information and to offer a democratic added value… .but what value does it have if the voices of the network, they are not verified and indeed, are piloted?!? First of all the Expedia-Tripadvisor scandal ( ) that publishes absolutely deceptive and unverifiable contents further piloted by those who sell and buy fake reviews.

Therefore, in addition to the huge amount of information-garbage, we are also faced with the continuous theft of data and privacy.

The time has come to truly open our eyes and save what can be saved!

Europe and all the countries continuously plundered by OTTs must rebuild a communication system that protects privacy and at the same time allows the exploitation of VERA innovation, that offers real added value for the user.


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