Computer piracy: l'Europa non ci sta!

Computer piracy: Europe does not fit!

In this article on the Corriere delle Comunicazioni, comforting news is reported, I know …were it not for the fact that systematic and continuous espionage takes place in a subtle and almost invisible way on all those “innoque” social and research platforms (OTT) who are pushing the cloud in every way to avoid running into the sanctions set up by Europe ( from a minimum of two years in prison, to rise ).

E’ paradoxical finding the mancamza (quasi) total consistency in pointing the finger on “usual” bad hackers ( and specifically crackers ), rather than limiting the excessive power of those who also analyze what we may have chosen for lunch…

E’ however a start, but to bring the old and ramshackle Europe back to competitive levels , it also goes through data protection!

Because among these there may be development strategies, new products, new ideas, and new trends, than if spied on….by the very fact, they are not anymore because they are anticipated by those who play dirty!

This economic crisis has its roots, not only in the inequality of conditions ( sacrosanct ) of European workers , compared to the underpaid and exploited workers of the East and surroundings, but also in the creeping unfair competition , in misleading advertising and’ tax evasion that makes all geolocalized activities in Europe less competitive than non-European ones that act by offering services and products through operating servers for the European market, ma …positioned outside of Europe and therefore, according to these wizards, not subject to European rules(!)

We cannot continue to be the only outlet reservoir for real resources, towards oligopolists who compete without respecting the rules and who generate enormous turnover in the area, without paying ( the paying 1/1000000 ) the cup!

….and thanks to CAIPIRISSIMA that jobs are then lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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