Taxes and OTT, an intrinsic incompatibility

Taxes and OTT, an intrinsic incompatibility

That someone ( institutions and control bodies ),woke up after decades of numbness “on the level of tax attention”, it can be understood from the proclamations of “fight against tax evasion”.

Even if at the moment it is screaming from the rooftops that it will fight hard against OTTs that do not pay taxes where they generate profit, the road is still very long, before tangible results are achieved.

In this article on Key4biz the news is reported that also in Italy ( but always lagging behind France and Germany ) it was approved by the Finance Committee in the House, the amendment presented by the PD to tax those who produce an income in Italy…something that should have happened without there being a specific amendment ( This is enshrined in the concept of permanent establishment and the consequent obligation to register for VAT ).

Be it practical “completely legal and legitimate” it is not exactly right if you went to check the books of accounting records and the flows of money into and out of the accounts of the legal entities involved, incorporating them with the header of official documents such as invoices…

Another discourse even concerns, who doesn't even bother to declare a local registered office and build tax structures to triangulate money flows, as does Tripadvisor (ex Expedia ) which is present in an abusive manner throughout Europe….with the usual complacent silence of those who should sanction and repress, and it doesn't.

The size reached by the so-called OTT, it is the result of an economic cancer based on unfair competition and misleading advertising that is ravaging the economies of outside America…

Being able to reach certain dimensions, it is incompatible with the fair competition mechanism!

Moreover, in a context where an oligopoly that feeds on the resources of third countries and old Europe, unable to act and defend their companies and citizens, is configuring a reality where the “innovations” they are only those that concern the internet environment…

When we start thinking we can do it “more is better”, without using a “trap” infrastructure on all communication domains, then we will start to grow back.

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