Wearable technology: the first allegations of data resale

Wearable technology: the first allegations of data resale

Wearable technology - Privacy Danger - ComputArte  Copyright

How could it be imagined, the scenario of continuous espionage is expanding to all those connected objects that we carry around and that measure our physiological parameters ... and to think that these data can end up to third parties who abuse it, it's worrying.

Who are these "bad guys"? ... all those who crave data on the state of health to be able to sell and resell services and products ( life and health insurance companies, privacy-disrespectful employers, drug manufacturers and why not, even commercial opponents, politicians etc.. etc. )

in conclusion, knowing intimate information can give you an advantage ( unfair ) which would allow competition NOT based on final value and meritocracy, but on the cunning of stealing sensitive information.

The first cases are already breaking out in America ( source Wireless Week article on the Fitbit company that makes smart bracelets http://www.wirelessweek.com/news/2014/08/fitbit-denies-claims-it-sells-personal-data?et_cid=4116888&et_rid=575253763&type=cta )

And in the face of those who continue to happily give a damn about the fact that the OTTs spy on everything and everyone, singing the nenia :"So I have nothing to hide" ( poor too light without foresight, not so much for them, but for their families and for future generations .... ) the reality that sees all users is now well known ( and often abusers!!!) of Facebook studied far beyond the use of the platform ( source article in the Corriere delle Comunicazioni http://www.corrierecomunicazioni.it/it-world/29203_facebook-raccolte-dati-doppia-indagine-privacy.htm )

Strategic information will be the real value for people to protect, companies and institutions if we want to live in democracy ( even if with all the imperfections that distinguish it )

Roma 26 August 2014

ComputArte copyright

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