2022, CENSORSHIP ON THE INTERNET :How uncomfortable news is CENSORED by Google.

How uncomfortable news is CENSORED by Google

Possible that in the 2022 CENSORSHIP still exists ? ….well yes!

Dove ?! In internet!

Who does it ? …Google ! ….do not you believe it ?!?! ….Keep reading!

I am aware of this very interesting video: https://youtu.be/HeM4365FbCE about how apparently harmless Google tools, are actually used to track users and IDENTIFY them ... in spite of "anonymous" data and PRIVACY!

I decide to post a comment with some definitely HOT details … I try once, I try twice, I try three times .... even the fourth time .... nothing.

I make sure I have a connection stable, I repeat the procedure from other browsers e …nothing!

My comment is not visible.

I enter the options of the youtube account with which I was credited to comment in order to check attendance ( or the track ) of the comments left ( there is a dedicated section "Your comments on YouTube") .


Contact the author of the video ( Dario di https://www.alternativalinux.it/ ) to kindly ask him if he had set any review filters before publishing that I had inadvertently activated using words or links.

In a short time the author replies to me to the email telling me that apart from filters for insults and one approval for publication, has no comments queued for moderation….

quindi si tratta EVIDENTEMENTE, di BECERA CENSURA !!!

Insomma dopo le epoche distinte da sovrani, dittatori e regimi che hanno usato la CENSURA per controllare e reprimere chi pensava diversamente su tutto il pianeta ( diciamo, facendo cifra tonda, in the lasts 5000 anni 🙂 , ci siamo illusi che dopo il 1945 ALMENO in Europa, si fosse stabilita , seppur imperfetta, una DEMOCRAZIA che dava e dovrebbe dare voce a tuttie invece … ci troviamo con un nuovo TIRANNO che prende il controllo del mondo digitale e decide CHI e COSA può essere pubblicato.

Cosa ha fatto scattare la TAGLIOLA della Censura di GOOGLE nella piattaforma controllata YOUTUBE, for a comment on a video that deals with how PRIVACY is literally IGNORED for those who hold life and death rights on the HW and SW technological infrastructure "generously" offered in EUROPE and in the rest of the world ?

The algorithm dedicated to the CENSORSHIP judged "inconvenient" and therefore UNACCEPTABLE the topics dealt with in a logical sequence with a conclusion that shed light on a scandal that will soon explode by uncovering the PANDORA VASE in technology….

The following is the original text CENSORED by Google:

Great video. Allow me to add some more detailed information 1) L’ Lawyer. Max Schrems managed to get the first agreement canceled “Safe Harbour”. Then the second, “Privacy Shield” and is sharpening the blades for the third agreement with which only hypothetically will the transfer of citizens' data be allowed, European companies and institutions in the non-European servers of the OTTs…as long as someone is able to DEMONSTRATE the effectiveness of technical solutions to comply with the GDPR.

We are at a historical crossroads: continue to be “digitally vivisected” and DRAW as done to date, or understand that ALL technology “smart” linked to “cloud” it is simply engineered to collect data and information in a continuous and unlimited way in order to feed the digital twins to be fed to the predictive algorithms.

We're talking not just about individual receiving users “advertising banners” about what they talked about in the “intimacy” of your home, BUT with a smart speaker that eavesdropped ( but also smartphones, smart refrigerator, smart TV, in your car with “voice commands” etc. etc ), not only of companies that use services(HAS!) NON-EUROPEAN CLOUDS where data as customers transit and reside, providers, orders, Bank transactions, strategic data on trade secrets and / or patent ideas that at best could become an EXCELLENT example of INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE, but also the institutions themselves with all that this entails in terms of STABILITY’ OF DEMOCRACY (….the Cambridge Analytica scandal says nothing? if the answer is no, I warmly invite you to do independent research and on DIFFERENT search engines on what happened with the data of several hundred million users actively profiled on social platforms….).

Since Europe “and yet it moves” but with Jurassic times and modalities with respect to the speed of technology , it is advisable to start being AWARE, WHY’ THE BIGGEST DANGER, E’ DO NOT FEEL IT. I conclude by inviting you to read this paper of mine where it mentions the future BIG scandal concerning the tracking technology present on the internet, offered by ORACLE ( https://www.computarte.it/andare-su-internet-significa-essere-il-topolino-cavia-nel-labirinto-del-laboratorio-dove-vengono-registrati-e-studiati-tutti-i-comportamenti-e-le-azioni-fatte-a-quanto-pare-si-oracle-e-s/ )

To post my comment, In short ( I avoid describing all the actions taken to understand which parameters and information triggered the censorship ) it was necessary to DIVIDE it into two ed PURGE the last paragraph concerning the ORACLE technology scandal accused of spying on everything and everyone on the internet…..

After all that there’ Europe has lived through the centuries and the efforts made by the founders of European Democracies , the war, the dead and the blood shed , you can ACCEPT a new DICTATOR who has infiltrated lives, companies and institutions thanks to UNFAIR and UNFAITHFUL technology that spies on everything and everyone?!

Who governs MUST DO something concrete otherwise DARK times await us and for our children.

As a mantra I will never tire of saying and writing that the BIGGEST DANGER IS’ DON'T FEEL IT.

Only awareness and the FREEDOM to choose an alternative and FAIR technology can change our world for the better.

ComputArte is FAIR technology where the’ HUMAN BEING is and remains at the center in all respects….including the financial benefits of a DIFFERENT and FIT FOR ALL data economy….

If this article there like it, please share it….and if it will not be published it is because the CENSORSHIP is also acting on you…if that's not there will like it, share by different means: email and word of mouth….alone united you can change something!

#Privacy #Google #Youtube #CENSORSHIP #Democracy #Tanno #VasoDiPandora #GoogleAnaltics #GoogleFONTS # MaxSchrems #SafeHarbour #PrivacyShield #Cloud #Smart #ProfilazioneINCROCIATA #Spionaggio #CambrdgeAnalytica #Oracle #UnitiXcambiare #ComputArte

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