
Datagate, privacy, security and freedom

Datagate, privacy, security and freedom

Each day we add chilling plugs that make the picture more and more bleak: we are all bugged continuously!

In this article is reported as the NSA is able to agirare any security protocol ( SSL, HTTPS, VPN ) and encryption systems also more sophisticated.

In other words , whenever utiliziamo technology to communicate is very probable that conversations and writings are three ( your, your recipient and who decides to spy !!!)

All this fall in an instant all the certainties that we had on our privacy, security and freedom.

But it's not just us citizens or small businesses to be bugged, are also banking groups ( in This article by Alessandra Talarico on Key4biz we mention the “raids” on’ use of credit cards!)

Who does not spy “of person”. Software are used to filter and categorize topics and content based on word recognition, images and sounds….practically copnversazioni, e-mail and browsing data on the internet and gps are automatically cataloged and who wants to be your own business ( our ) has to do is enter a search word…

In this context, it is understandable begin to observe phenomena such as “vistuale suicide on facebook” ( details in this article ).

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