Posts Tagged "prism"

XKeyscore: search engine for spying

XKeyscore: search engine for spying. Ancora notizie sul Datagate e PRISM. In this article troubling details emerge of how the system developed for spying in an easy and continuous all users was, ed è, utilizzato come un normale utente farebbe ogni qual volta utilizzi un motore di ricerca per effettuare un “approfondimento”. Praticamente è sufficiente inserire i dettagli del “potenziale terrorista”, per poter visionare la cronologia dei siti visitati, quali pagine, per quanto tempo, quali documenti scaricati, le conversazioni in facebook, le telefonate, le e-mail, password e tutte le informazioni in grado di essere estrapolate dall’archivio multimediale…in short, a bugging device installed on ...

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PRISM-Privacy: details increasingly worrying!

PRISM-Privacy: details increasingly worrying! Now it is the turn of Yahoo that would reassure its users, publishing ATTEMPTS TO OBJECT to the demands of American courts to spy on individuals and businesses. Tentantivi course failed due to the fact that the order came from a higher body and independent, that is justice. In this article by Alessandra Talarico the emphasis is on the fact that in October they are trying to defend themselves from the scandal DATAGATE showing that he had fought against the demands of the courts and for that reason be the champions of defense user….When I'm OTT themselves to break the basic rules of privacy and the courts and defense and control, not ...

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The siege of TV in the living room begins ( Google e Chromecast )

The siege of TV in the living room begins ( Google e Chromecast ) E’ già da qualche giorno che gira la notizia che google ha proposto e venduto sul suo negozio on line, all the Chromecast keys that you interface to the TV via hdmi, will allow the use of mobile and non-mobile tools ( smartphone, tablet, pc ) as remote controls, to enjoy internet content directly on the big screen. Attention: compared to the competition from Apple TV and the same Google TV and Nexus Q, content is found on the net and not generated by external tools. In practice, for Apple the contents are generated by smartphones or tablets with obvious problems of battery life and signal stability. But this latest problem could afflict Chromecast ...

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L’effetto Snowden (PRISM e Datagate): typewriters instead of the PC to the Russian secret service

L’effetto Snowden (PRISM e Datagate): typewriters instead of the PC to the Russian secret service , looks like a gleaning to make you smile, but it speaks volumes about the state of things. Electronic instruments are not considered safe. But this, actually, is not new. All those who work in the field, know that no electronic system is secure 100%. He knows something that Sony has over person 27 million player accounts of playstation, where stored data is also on the cards credito.Ne know anything at banks, who find themselves more and more confronted with credit card fraud clonate.Ne know something the military establishment where espionage is ...

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Datagate Prism: Kroes warns about using the cloud!

Datagate Prism: Kroes warns about using the cloud! In this article in the Corriere Communications, the message of the European Commissioner Neelie Kroes is reported which sounds like a cold shower for American companies that would like to make the cloud, the new panacea of ​​the world! Thinking is linear: if European citizens and businesses feel in danger about the data they want to keep confidential ( as a sacrosanct right enshrined in Europe ) , they will no longer use the services offered by American operators! Clear and strong message, without a doubt! And disastrous economic consequences for the stars and stripes suppliers! The case is now overt, but still many do not seem to have realized and continue to ...

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