
Internet ta Thigs: l-isfida kbira li jmiss.

Internet ta Thigs: l-isfida kbira li jmiss.

Fl dan l-artikolu there is a sharable point of view regarding Internet of Things : hija għandha potenzjal enormi, Meta se jkun kbir iżda se tolqot l-dar suq fejn huma apparati elettroniċi ħafna u ħafna oħrajn, illum biss mekkanika, se tkun miżżewġa fl-ambjent ta 'komunikazzjoni ġdida.

L-isfida hija li tikri l-mezzi elettroniċi li tkun involuta fihom network fejn valur miżjud tanġibbli jistgħu jinbiegħu lill-klijenti potenzjali.

Se jkun il-mod l-informazzjoni għandha tkun mogħtija, l-funzjoni utilità ta ', u l-konsegwenzi f'termini ta 'kwalità ħajja tisħiħ laħqu permezz tas-servizzi ġodda pprovduti.

IoT huwa paradigma utli għall-kunċett avvanzata ta 'awtomazzjoni dar.

Home automation itself has a value when it helps the final user to save time, money and to prevent dangers.

So, a new approach where houses are sensitive to natural inputs and based on a logic of smart secured rules, managed by the owner of the house only, preventing a third party to enter in the house privacy, will be a key to finally enter in the house and in a new huge potential market.

It’s impossible to think about a complete environment capable to offer services through IoT to supply home automation, running in “cloud” where you have only one certainty: to be spied!

A useful, safe, and secure platform must run locally and offering an ultra high grade of security.

This is why mobile platform could do this, but…are unsecure!

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