
Spying: NSA scapegoat ntawm OCT uas nkaum phom haus luam yeeb

Spying: NSA scapegoat ntawm OCT uas nkaum phom haus luam yeeb

Thiab rau ob peb teev dhau los, cov xov xwm uas Yahoo yuav encrypt tej ntaub ntawv los ntawm ntws hauv lawv cov servers.

Daim ntawv tshaj tawm yog cov Marissa Meyer. ( tau qhov twg los Tshooj Corriere delle Comunicazioni ).

Google raws li qhov uas zoo tib yam thiab announces lawv "uproxy" uas tiv thaiv intrusions los ntawm peb tog ( Tshooj hais txog Viropop ).

Tab sis, cov paradox loj loj li tus ntiaj chaw: tus OCT yog announcing encrypt tej ntaub ntawv rau kev tiv thaiv "kom" cov neeg siv ntawm tus NSA spying, Nws yog lub luag hauj lwm kev sib ntaus muaj kev ua phem....

Short, no mas, tias tus hais mav phem tau no xwb cov NSA, lawv twb spied tag nrho.

Tab sis qhov tseeb, cais tsawg kawg tseemceeb dab, Yog xav paub ntau npaum li cas frightening thiab bewildering trivia.

Mus spy rau txhua yam thiab txhua leej txhua tus, Nws yog tus OCT precisely.

Lawv ua nws profile cov xwm ( nyob zoo...).

Thaum worst..., tej zaum yuav tau tsim ib txheej cov algorithms twv ua ntej, Computational kev txawj ntse thiab muaj peev ntawm pawg puab ntawm ib kev pom cov cuab, thoj thiab nyiaj txiag, tej zaum yuav khiav lag luam, nrog poj simplicity, muaj espionage, yuav segment cov neeg siv thiab tuam txhab uas muag rau cov xov xwm uas xaiv yaam resell mus ntug dej, tuam txhab uas daim ntawv kho mob thiab cov kws muag..

Xav txog tej yam ib pliag ib tug neeg uas sau tus e-mail, los lus ntawv los lus ntawm app "pub dawb", qhov twg cites muaj ib yam tshuaj uas siv los kho khees xawj.

Cov xov xwm no yuav ua lub caj pas rau lub chaw evsaslas yog muaj ib cov ntawv kho mob txoj cai rau nws cov neeg, ua zoo raws li cov sij hawm thaum ntawd "txom nyem tshaj plaws", xav, raws li lawv yuav tsis tau cov nyiaj txais lus tso cai ad personam.

Lwm cov piv txwv kev txhawj xeeb lub tuam txhab uas muag, tsis pub dhau uas lawv pauv xov xwm ( transformed rau khoom, ces email, sms, cov lus nyob rau ntawm tes , fax mus , tej ntaub ntawv uas kis ntawm wi-nkaus, BT thiab lwm yam ntawd ntxiv. ) hauv lub tswv yim loj hlob rau lub tshuaj thiab cov kev pab cuam los ntawm patenting... zoo cia siab tias "yuav" cov sib txeeb thiab lwv tsis ncaj ncees hauv lub lag luam khoom siv.

Nws tsis siv lub screenwriter ntawm films ntawm science ntawv tseeb los xav rau txog tej yam yog txhua yam.

Thiab thov nco ntsoov tias lub tshuab tsim los ntawm kev tshawb fawb xyaw, xav kom koj tsom xam , catalogue thiab qhia cov ntawv nyob rau ntawm tej lo lus...... cov zoo tib yam, tias "lim snoops yog paub li xa ntawv, cov sms, los ntawm cov lus app, thiab txawm mus txog tus hais!!!!

Yog!!!… txhua uas kuj yam peb hais los ntawm smartphones, landline thiab lub suab dua cov kev siv tus Ip ( Voip ) yog "scansionabile", registerable, Archivable thiab hnov los ntawm cov neeg uas tau tsim algorithms kom paub cov lo lus yuam kev sib tham.

Tam sim no, Yog hais tias tag nrho cov suab no nyiam fantasia, xav rov!

Google tau txiav txim kom them raug nplua 22,5 tsheej lab ntawm las ( ... tej yam khoom noj, Thaum piv rau cov raug tsim ) rau spying tej ntaub ntawv tsheej lab ntawm cov neeg siv ntawm 2010 thiab cov 2011, los ntawm nws tus browser Safari.

Nws tus ib New York txiav txim tau qhov lus txiav txim tawm, thiab tus kws lij choj General Eric Schneiderman tau siv tam lub koob, referring cov neeg, thiab hais tias "Google twb tsis tsuas lawv tab sis lawv tus kheej, thiab lawv ntseeg '. “ ( tau qhov twg los Tshooj hais txog Viropop ).

Vim li ntawd yog cov lus nug uas peb yeej tsis: Tab sis, yog hais tias tus OCT twb spied rau thiab tseem mus spy rau txhua yam uas kis tau los ntawm lawv cov serevr , Tus algorithms los encrypt cov ntaub ntawv no zoo li cas faib nkag thiab tawm thiab leej guarantees peb tias yuav ua li cas kom tsis txhob?!

rau lwm cov tes..., yog tus tswv ntawm lub algorithm blurs cov lus, tsis warrant txog hais tias tus tib neeg tswv yuav siv nws mus spy rau...

Thiab ces tus NSA muaj cov neeg rau zaub mov kom tawg kev ruaj ntseg raws tu qauv j acres.

In the face of cov lus tseeb, yog tshaj disgraceful thiab appalling hais tias muaj cov neeg sawv tuam Italian cev npaj tsis muaj zog cov lus taxing qhov OCT ( tau qhov twg los Tshooj Corriere delle Informazioni ).

Tej no twb stra-khwv tau ntawm cov pob non-tshab lug, thiab tsis tas li tsis them se!!!!

Piv txwv li kua ( tau qhov twg los Tshooj Cov ntaub ntawv tus thawj tswj )

Lawv ua li cas peb tsev thiab cov tub ceev xwm mus ntxiv facilitating lub xeev no yam nauseating supervisory?!

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