
Mobile apps stealing and spying personal data ( San Diego University )

Mobile apps stealing and spying personal data ( San Diego University )

In this članek a reasercher of the San Diego University ( Yuvraj Agarwal ) je pokazala, da ” Skoraj polovica mobilnih aplikacij, ki tečejo na operacijskem sistemu Apple iOS dostop edinstven identifikator naprave, kjer ste jih prenesli. ”

Poleg dejstva, da so vse mobilne aplikacije za dostop do osebnih podatkov, kot so imenik, slike, dnevniki telefonskih klicev, obiskanih spletnih strani in nekaj več parametrov, ki določajo uporabniku zelo natančno, je zastrašujoče sprejemanje vsakogar, ki prinaša to grobo realnost v ospredje pozornosti javnosti , ne da bi dojel, da so bile kršene temeljne pravice posameznika.

The information shared by the resercher it’s a bit partial because doesn’t consider theapproachof the platform providers who are involved in the datachecks” .

The system itself has been shaped to enter in each user private data , without respecting the privacy rightand this is a problem.

While the big ICT companyies see this, only like an opportunity ( boosting Big Data, oblak, saas ), some very sleepy european institutions woke up!

The future is far from being a “oblak” ICT environment

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