Cybersicurezza: Prism scandal in the US, but Italy is even worse

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Therefore, according to press reports, the American "Big Brother" spied on the whole world. This is what is emerging from scandal that started from wiretapping Verizon customer phone numbers and has extended to the web.

Prism“, the program developed byintelligence American born from the ashes of electronic surveillance operations of George W. Bush, entered the servers of nine Net giants and extracted them, revealed the Washington Post, “audio, video, photo, e-mail, documents, password and username to continue to track the activity of Americans on the network over time "but" focusing on foreign communication traffic, which often uses US servers.

But Italy is even worse.

Evidently aware of what happened overseas a few months ago, President Monti, after traveling to the United States, it approved the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 24 January 2013 “Directive containing guidelines for cyber protection and national computer security”, then published in the "Official Gazette" of 19 March 2013 n. 66, in full legislative "vacation".

The decree, countersigned by half the government, including the Minister of Justice, defines "the institutional architecture responsible for protecting national security in relation to material and intangible critical infrastructures, with particular regard to cyber protection and to national cyber security, indicating for this purpose the tasks entrusted to each component and the mechanisms and procedures to be followed in order to reduce vulnerability, risk prevention, the timely response to attacks and the immediate restoration of system functionality in the event of a crisis ".

The standard provides, among other things also an absolutely new principle for our legal system.

L’art. 11 of the decree in fact obliges telecommunications operators and internet service providers, but not only, even for example to those who manage airports, the dams, energy services, Transports, to give access to security services to their databases, for unspecified "security" purposes.

In practice, private operators, but also public dealerships, they will have to open the doors to the security services on their databases, containing the names of Italian citizens, e, it is also presumed to the actions performed by the latter, outside of an intervention by the judiciary.

All this in an administrative way and without the necessary control, at least of the Authority for the protection of personal data.

Without going so far, we too have the Carbonara "prism".

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