But cell phones are dangerous?

ROMA 29 September 2015

Cellular is carnecerogenic?


But cell phones are dangerous?

This thorny and "controversial" topic had already been dealt with in this article : https://www.computarte.it/artetecnologica/2014/05/04/nuove-tecnologie-avverse-ai-bioritmi-e-cancerogene/ focusing on the fact that after a few minutes of conversation on the mobile phone, the salivary glands began to produce not only free radicals, but also toxic peroxide (https://www.wellme.it/salute/news/6705-telefoni-cellulari-cancro-saliva ).

Remembering to ALWAYS read the instructions and especially the SAFETY warnings, where it is unequivocally written to always keep the mobile phone at a minimum distance of 1,5 cm from the body, the question that arises is : but why do they sell a tool that to be used, we usually attach it to the ear or put it in a pocket?!?!?

Why the manufacturers do not propose a solution that includes compliance with the safety warnings , without forcing the user to "unnatural" behavior?

Returning to the original question, if we were to comply with the sentence of the Supreme Court regarding the case of Mr.. Innocent Marcolini the answer is yes!

These sources report the details :


The COURT OF CASSATION ( that reminds the many, issues sentences NOT APPEALABLE ) noted ( with sentence 17438 of the Work Section ) a causality between CANCER and USE OF THE MOBILE PHONE following the documents acquired and verified by the CTU of Prof.. Angelo Gino Levis, by Prof.. Giuseppe Grasso and Prof.. B. Skirt, based on INDEPENDENT epidemiological studies conducted by the research group of Prof.. Lennart Hardell , between 2005 and the 2009.

On the Danish research group of Prof. Hardell you can read this source : http://www.disinformazione.it/cellulari_tumori.htm

The sentence in question was attacked and accused of being unreliable ( bringing up the CTU of Prof.. Levis and colleagues ) , precisely by those who produced a study conducted at European level in order to establish the absolute non-dangerousness of cell phones : Interphone (http://interphone.iarc.fr/ )

But in this interesting article (http://www.epiprev.it/attualit%C3%A0/lo-studio-interphone-%C3%A8-indipendente ) written by some Interphone authors ( Dr. Susanna Lagorio and Dr.. Paolo Vecchia ) it can be deduced how Prof.. Levis not only defends his work and the result of the CTU, but highlights all the points for which the conclusions of the Intetphone study CANNOT be considered reliable ( fra i principali ):

-Non-representativeness of the sample chosen for epidemiological studies that "dilutes" and mystifies the conclusions

-The source of the study's co-financing ( The lobby of mobile phone companies ... )

Therefore, although there are still many "unsuspected" interests that are not better "specified" and / or supposed ( and granted ) ignorance of some facts, continue to highlight that there is NOT an absolute truth about the fact that electromagnetic fields generated by cell phones are an element of carcinogenesis ( and I point out this "sparkling" conversation : http://attivissimo.blogspot.it/2015/09/antibufala-donna-francese-riceve.html#comment-form ) , if you are not sure, the only attitude to consider is that of prudence and ... not to keep the mobile phone less than 15mm from the body, ALWAYS and especially when using it to talk!

PS… and you are sending users to take note of that the "new SMARTphones", compared to the old "feature phones" ( older generation mobile phones ), are in continuous receive-transmission as the operating system ( android, iOs, tizen and company ...) it is engineered to allow APPs to take possession of content ( private ) for the purpose of “exporting” them to someone's cloud… who will resell, with conspicuous gain, all our data!

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