Microsoft fa shopping di hardware "classico"

At a time when large companies no longer have a single strategy, the watchword is to diversify to reduce the business risk related to a single production line.

For this very reason Microsoft, perhaps in an attempt to imitate Apple, wants to integrate collaterally and upstream, acquiring production capacity for the supply of computational units.

It would seem like a risky move to have bought Dell for 24,2 billions of dollars, whereas the PC market is in sharp decline ( reason that also sees the exit from the stock market in an attempt not to burn all the capitalization gained over so many years ) and even taken for granted by some analysts.

Furthermore, in light of the fact that the only product that pulls strongly on the market is the tablet, it seems an inefficient move to have detected a brand and a structure embedded in the classic PC paradigm ( laptop, but mostly desktop )…Probably with a fraction of that amount of money, they could have bought a structure , less noble, almond-eyed and ready to produce anything that came from the Redmond headquarters control room.

Clearly, beyond the superficial evaluations of those variables that seem to characterize the market at this juncture, we can only speculate on lobbying deals based on potential government pressures to keep a stars and stripes icon alive…

But beyond these hypotheses, remains a fact: Microsoft wants to take the field in hardware production.

Then the question is: perché acquistare un produttore di pc classici, se a tirare il mercato sono i tablet e surface è prodotto da un terzista che marchia il prodotto con il logo Microsoft?

….forse, il più grande dei protagonisti della era PC si è reso conto che la mancanza di innovazione nel settore, l’errore strategico di una interfaccia a sfioramento anche per sistemi operativi classici e la ipotesi che anche i tablet saranno ricordati fra qualche anno come una moda, pianificando un grande ritorno per rinvigorire un prodotto trascurato?!

Il PC è molto lontano dal viale del tramonto e coloro che lo danno per spacciato, saranno presto sorpresi 🙂



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