Breaching privacy is an attack on democracy.

Breaching privacy is an attack on democracy.


Without prejudice to the right to report on the usual four thieves and scammers who hide behind an infringement of privacy by pointing the finger at those publishers and journalists who have published news about their thefts, everything else is an attack on democracy.

The continuous spying of everyone and everything that transits on third-party servers, it is not just an illegal act, but also a real attack on the democratic base of societies that inspire their foundation on the freedom and respect of others.

The communication and data exchange system has suffered a lethal malformation due to the principles of healthy coexistence, fair competition and respect for the rules.

The subjects who manipulate this "evolution" have for some years been proposing the idea of ​​leaving all data in the cloud ... in order to make it even easier to spy on the data and avoid the crime of theft of the same.

Laidi spokespersons for these subjects, continue to utter a dirge that sounds like this: “Who has nothing to hide, he doesn't have to fear anything ”… but because you still have to be YOU, Over The Top company , to have everyone's data.

Because you, THERE, analyze, aggregate, recompose and sell data to profile advertising?!

Who guarantees us that you DO NOT sell this data for industrial espionage purposes?

Who guarantees us that it does not analyze and study group dynamics to profile individuals and groups according to religion, of income, state of health, sexual relations and more intimate customs and habits?

Who guarantees us that the data collected by you will not be used against us?

The answer is unique: NOBODY!

In the meantime, who should watch, turns a deaf ear and, more or less "unconsciously", continues to endorse this nefarious policy, as is happening in Ireland ( source the Corriere delle Comunicazioni ) where the guarantor of privacy, questioned on the fact that Facebook has breached a user's privacy by providing personal information to the NSA, declares himself not competent, sending the hot potato back to the European Commission ... moving like a sleeping sloth!

And while Europe continues to mess around and waste precious time to allow European companies to get back competitive at least by charging taxes to OTTs and protecting their privacy , Russia moves without delay : the Kremlin has approved a law that obliges social networks to keep data on servers within Russian territory ( fonte Hardware Upgrade ).

And there are those who sound the alarm for freedom for an infamous agreement signed by 50 countries (Europe and Italy included) , called TISA (Trade in Services Agreement) whose purpose, many denounce, be to cancel the power of governments to intervene and leave a free hand to the various multinationals, destroying not only the right to privacy of citizens, but the ability of companies to compete and the stability of democracies ( … .Although imperfect!) ( source the Corriere delle Comunicazioni ).

In this bleak picture, which directly reverberates on European economies in crisis and in the lack of jobs and the inability to compete on equal terms with European companies, we are all called to roll up our sleeves and begin to become aware of this ABSURD situation.


Finally, I point out the USER DATA MANIFESTO , which is none other than the emerging and vivid need to maintain ownership and control of their data


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