and its derivatives, Big Data e privacy: nuvole all'orizzonte

and its derivatives, Big Data e privacy: clouds on the horizon. In this interesting article by Antonio Dini in the Corriere delle Compunicazioni, a reality that casts disturbing shadows on market trends and ICT development strategies emerges.

One sentence struck me in particular: ” … the Cloud literally “moves” data into the cloud, and therefore potentially in countries other than those of origin, placing them under different jurisdictions…” .

In practice, a system is being cleared that appears to be made specifically to circumvent local regulations ( per es. privacy, unfair competition, misleading advertising, the tax regime and all civil laws, commercial and criminal )

…it might be a sin to think badly, but it happens, the “cloud” and its derivatives ( no one has explained it ) they have been the center of attention and development for some years now , since the first serious privacy issues emerged!

As if the big companies (OTT), seeing the ill parade and understanding that “too much abuse” it would not be tolerated, are running for cover to build an infrastructure that allows espionage, without breaking local and European laws anymore.

Instead if we wanted to think well , we would be convinced that the “cloud” it will bring millions of jobs ( come?! still no one has explained it …) that Big Data will be used to defeat cancer and predict disastrous climate events ( the how can be guessed, but why do it only in this way, no one has explained it …)

to post a comment ( allowing laws and amendments to the detriment of European citizens and businesses ), he is reflecting on the opportunity to step back: let's see what the old and ramshackle Europe will be able to do and what the states that make up its backbone will do individually ( France, Germany and why not!?….even poor Italy )

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